

Last edit: May 19, 2024

A profile

type Profile implements HasModelsInterface, HasRecordsInterface, LegacyCustomAttributeInterface, PropertiesInterface, RemoteRecordsInterface, RemoteUsersInterface {
  address(name: String!): CustomAddrress
  addresses(name: String): [CustomAddrress!]
  attachment(name: String!): PrivateFile
  attachments(name: String): [PrivateFile!]
  custom_address(name: String!): CustomAddrress
  custom_addresses(name: String): [CustomAddrress!]
  custom_attachment(name: String!): PrivateFile
  custom_attachments(name: String): [PrivateFile!]
  custom_image(name: String!): Image
  custom_images(name: String): [Image!]
    customizable_id: ID
    customizable_type: String
    id: [ID]
    name: String
    properties: [QueryCustomAttribute]
    sort: [CustomizationSortOrder]
    user_id: ID
  ): [Customization!]
  deleted_at: JSONDate
  id: ID
  image(name: String!): Image
  images(name: String): [Image!]
    filter: ModelsFilterInput
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String!
    model_name: [String]!
    sort: [ModelsSortInput!]
  ): Model
    foreign_property: String!
    join_on_property: String!
    limit: Int
    model_name: [String]!
    sort: [ModelsSortInput!]
  ): [Model!]
  profile_type: String!
  properties(select: [PropertiesFieldInput!]): HashObject
  property(name: String!): String
  property_array(name: String!): [String!]
  property_boolean(name: String!): Boolean
  property_float(name: String!): Float
  property_int(name: String!): Int
  property_json(name: String!): JSONPayload
  property_object(name: String!): HashObject
  property_upload(expires_in: Int, name: String!): PropertyUpload
    filter: ModelsFilterInput
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String!
    model_schema_name: [String]!
    sort: [ModelsSortInput!]
  ): Model
    filter: ModelsFilterInput
    foreign_property: String!
    join_on_property: String!
    limit: Int
    model_schema_name: [String]!
    sort: [ModelsSortInput!]
  ): [Model!]
    filter: RecordsFilterInput
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String!
    sort: [RecordsSortInput!]
    table: [String]!
  ): Record
    filter: RecordsFilterInput
    foreign_property: String!
    join_on_property: String!
    limit: Int
    sort: [RecordsSortInput!]
    table: [String]!
  ): [Record!]
    filter: ModelsFilterInput
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String = "user_id"
    sort: [UsersSortInput!]
  ): User
    filter: ModelsFilterInput
    foreign_property: String!
    join_on_property: String!
    limit: Int
    sort: [UsersSortInput!]
  ): [User!]
  remote_records(endpoint: Endpoint!, join_on_property: String!): [Record!]
  remote_users(endpoint: Endpoint!, join_on_property: String!): [User!]
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String = "user_id"
    sort: [UsersSortInput!]
  ): User
    foreign_property: String!
    join_on_property: String!
    limit: Int
    sort: [UsersSortInput!]
  ): [User!]


address (CustomAddrress)

Fetch address by name; ex: address: address(name: "office_address")

addresses (CustomAddrress)

Fetch all addresses, optionally you can filter results by name; ex: home_address: addresses(name: "home")

attachment (PrivateFile)

Fetch attachment by name; ex: sales_report: attachment(name: "sales_report")

attachments (PrivateFile)

Fetch all attachments, optionally you can filter results by name; ex: sales_reports: attachments(name: "sales_report")

custom_address (CustomAddrress)

Fetch address by name; ex: address: custom_address(name: "office_address")

custom_addresses (CustomAddrress)

Fetch all addresses, optionaly you can filter results by name; ex: home: custom_addresses(name: "home")

custom_attachment (PrivateFile)

Fetch attachment by name; ex: sales_report: custom_attachment(name: "sales_report")

custom_attachments (PrivateFile)

Fetch all attachments, optionally you can filter results by name; ex:
sales_reports: custom_attachments(name: "sales_report")

custom_image (Image)

Fetch image by name; ex: header: custom_image(name: "header")

custom_images (Image)

Fetch all images, optionaly you can filter results by name; ex: cat_images: custom_images(name: "cat")

customizations (Customization)

deleted_at (JSONDate)

timestamp of when the record was soft delete, populated by delete action. It
is also possible to manually set it via update. To undelete change it back to
empty value, but please note that associated records would need to be manually
undeleted as well.

id (ID)

ID of an object.

image (Image)

Fetch image by name; ex: header: image(name: "header")

images (Image)

Fetch all images, optionally you can filter results by name; ex: cat_images: images(name: "cat")

model (Model)

Defines has-one relation with other model, e.g: children: models(model_name:
"child" join_on_property: "parent_id" foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with model-schema-name == model_name

models (Model)

Defines has-many relation with other model; ex: children: models(model_name:
"child", join_on_property: "parent_id", foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with model-schema-name == model_name

profile_type (String)

properties (HashObject)

List of all properties assigned to the object.

property (String)

Fetch any property by name and return value as a String; ex: hair_color: property(name: "hair_color")

property_array (String)

Fetch any property by name and return value as an Array of Strings. ex: todo_list: property_array(name: "todo_list")

property_boolean (Boolean)

Fetch any property by name and return value as a Boolean; ex: price: property_boolean(name: "enabled")

property_float (Float)

Fetch any property by name and return value as a Float; ex: price: property_float(name: "price")

property_int (Int)

Fetch any property by name and return value as an Integer; ex: age: property_int(name: "age")

property_json (JSONPayload)

Fetch any property by name and return value as a JSON string.

property_object (HashObject)

Fetch any property by name, parse it as a JSON and return object

property_upload (PropertyUpload)

Fetch any property by name and returns upload details

  • expires_in (Int)

Defines the number of seconds for which the generated url will be accessible. Must be set if acl was set to private

Defines has-one relation with other model; ex: children: models(model_name:
"child" join_on_property: "parent_id" foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with model-schema-name == model_schema_name

Defines has-many relation with other model; ex: children:
related_models(model_schema_name: "child", join_on_property: "parent_id",
foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with model-schema-name == model_schema_name

Defines has-one relation with other record; ex: children: records(table:
"child" join_on_property: "parent_id" foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Joins record [formaly customization] with record-schema-name == table

Defines has-many relation with other records; ex: children:
related_records(table: "children", join_on_property: "parent_id",
foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Define table name which should be used as a source for related records

Defines relation with other user; ex: invited_by: related_user(join_on_property: "invited_by_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Defines has-many relation with other user; ex: children:
users(join_on_property: "parent_id", foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

remote_records (Record)

Defines relation object accessible over HTTP in JSON collection identified by it's ID.

Endpoint that will return resources for given ids in json format

Load remote resource with id == join_on_property

remote_users (User)

Defines relation object accessible over HTTP in JSON collection identified by it's ID.

Endpoint that will return resources for given ids in json format

Load remote resource with id == join_on_property

user (User)

Defines relation with other user; ex: invited_by: user(join_on_property: "invited_by_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

users (User)

Defines has-many relation with other user; ex: children:
users(join_on_property: "parent_id", foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property









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