

Last edit: Oct 26, 2022

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interface ListingCustomAttributeInterface {
  custom_address(name: String!): ListingAddress
  custom_addresses(name: String): [ListingAddress!]
  custom_attachment(name: String!): ListingsPrivateFile
  custom_attachments(name: String): [ListingsPrivateFile!]
  custom_image(name: String!): ListingImage
  custom_images(name: String): [ListingImage!]
  properties: HashObject
  property(name: String!): String
  property_array(name: String!): [String!]
  property_json(name: String!): JSONPayload


custom_address (ListingAddress)

Fetch address by name; ex: address: custom_address(name: "office_address")

custom_addresses (ListingAddress)

Fetch all addresses, optionaly you can filter results by name; ex: home: custom_addresses(name: "home")

custom_attachment (ListingsPrivateFile)

Fetch attachment by name; ex: sales_report: custom_attachment(name: "sales_report")

custom_attachments (ListingsPrivateFile)

custom_image (ListingImage)

Fetch image by name; ex: header: custom_image(name: "header")

custom_images (ListingImage)

Fetch all images, optionaly you can filter results by name; ex: cat_images: custom_images(name: "cat")

properties (HashObject)

List of all properties assigned to the object.

property (String)

Fetch any custom attribute by name; ex: hair_color: property(name: "hair_color")

property_array (String)

Fetch any property of Array type by name, it returns Array in contrast to
"property" which returns String; ex: todo_list: property_array(name: "todo_list")

property_json (JSONPayload)

Fetch any property of JSON type by name, it returns JSON in contrast to
"property" which returns String; ex: todo_list: property_json(name: "todo_list")


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