
GraphQL Glossary

Last edit: Oct 26, 2022

This is a glossary of GraphQL related terms with examples from platformOS implementations.


A set of key-value pairs attached to a specific field. Arguments can be literal values or variables.

  user(id: 200) {
    bio: property(name: "bio")


An alternative name given to the result of a field to avoid conflicts during data fetching.

  notes: records(per_page: 20, filter: { table: { value: "notes" } }) {
    results { id }

  cars: records(per_page: 20, filter: { table: { value: "cars"} }) {
    results {
      name: property(name: "name")


A declaration prefixed with an @ character that encapsulates programming logic for query execution on the client or server. There are built-in directives such as @skip or @include. Directives can be used for features such as authentication, incremental data loading, etc.

query clients($is_client: Boolean!) {
  people {
    results {
      created_at @skip(if: $is_client)


A file or request string that contains one or multiple definitions of a GraphQL type system and can be interpreted by a GraphQL execution engine.


A unit of data you are asking for in a Schema, which ends up as a field in your JSON response data.

type User {
  id: ID!
  first_name: String
  last_name: String


A selection set that can be reused in multiple query operations. A GraphQL fragment is a shared piece of query logic.

fragment UserData on UserListing {

  people {
    results {

GraphQL Playground

An in-browser IDE for GraphQL development and workflow. Added benefits exist such as theme change, automatic schema reloading, HTTP headers configuration, query history and GraphQL subscription support.

In platformOS: pos-cli gui serve


A technique to provide detailed information about a GraphQL API's schema. Types and fields used in introspection are prefixed with __ two underscores.

  __schema {
    types {


An operation for creating, modifying and destroying data.

mutation edit_car($car_id: ID!, $color: String!) {
    id: $car_id
    record: {
      properties: { name: "color", value: $color }
  ) { id }


Admin mutations and queries are used for interacting with instance code. They are an alternative for modifying partials, GraphQL, and others instead of editing files and deploying them with pos-cli. They are useful when you want to build more dynamic behavior.

Object Type

A type in a GraphQL schema which has fields.

type User {
   name: String!

User is an Object type in the example above.


A single query, mutation, or subscription that can be interpreted by a GraphQL execution engine.

Operation Name

A name for a single query, mutation, or subscription. Identifying a query or mutation by name is very useful for logging and debugging when something goes wrong in a GraphQL server.

mutation store_in_session($token: String!) {
  session_create_field(name: "token", value: $token)

query find_user($id: ID!) {
  user(id: $id) {


A read-only fetch operation to request data from a GraphQL service.


A GraphQL schema is at the center of any GraphQL server implementation and describes the functionality available to the clients which connect to it.

Schema Definition Language

The syntax for writing GraphQL Schemas. It is otherwise known as Interface Definition Language. It is the lingua franca shared by all for building GraphQL APIs regardless of the programming language chosen.

type UserListing {
  created_at: JSONDate
  customizations(name: String, properties: [QueryCustomAttribute], user_id: ID): [ListingsCustomization]
  deleted_at: JSONDate
  email: String!
  external_id: ID
  first_name: String
  id: ID!
  last_name: String

# Authentication using provider
type Authentication {
  id: ID

  # name of authentication provider used for creating this authentication
  provider: AuthenticationProvider
  token_expires_at: JSONDate

Scalar Type

A type that qualifies the data a GraphQL field resolves. GraphQL ships with some scalar types out of the box; Int, Float, String, HashObject, Boolean and ID. However, a custom scalar type such as Date can be specified in a GraphQL service implementation.

Type System

A collection of types which characterizes the set of data that can be validated, queried and executed on a GraphQL API.

In this glossary we reused content from Apollo's GraphQL Glossary.


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