

Last edit: May 19, 2024

No description

type EmailNotificationInputType {
  attachments: String
  bcc: String
  cc: String
  content: String
  delay_by: String
  form_configuration_ids: [ID]
  from: String
  layout: String
  layout_path: String
  manually_managed: Boolean
  metadata: HashObject
  name: String
  physical_file_path: String!
  reply_to: String
  subject: String!
  to: String
  trigger_condition: String


attachments (String)

json of the form { "file_name.jpg": { "url": "http://example.com/file.jpg" } }
which defines email attachments. Liquid will be processed.

bcc (String)

liquid code to evaluate to valid, comma separated blind carbon copy list, for example "[email protected], [email protected]"

cc (String)

liquid code to evaluate to valid, comma separated carbon copy list, for example "[email protected], [email protected]"

content (String)

liquid code to evaluate to valid form html. If email is triggered via form
configuration, You have access to "form" variable, with data specified in configuration.

delay_by (String)

liquid code which should evaluate to integer. Delays invoking the job by
specified number of minutes. Useful to invoke code at certain point in time,
for example 1 hour before something etc. To calculate proper number you can
use time_diff filter.

form_configuration_ids (ID)

ids of forms which should trigger the email

from (String)

email address from which you would like to send the email, for example [email protected]

layout (String)

name of the liquid layout to which the content should be injected

layout_path (String)

deprecated, use layout

manually_managed (Boolean)

defines whether this object will be manually managed, meaning it will not be affected via pos-cli deploy / sync

metadata (HashObject)

name (String)

deprecated - derived from physical_file_path; name of the email, which is used in form or mutation to trigger it

physical_file_path (String)

defines where the file definition will be available after pull; should start
with the module name follow by private/public scope, for example

reply_to (String)

email address to which users should reply, for example [email protected]

subject (String)

liquid code to evaluate to text

to (String)

liquid code to evaluate to valid, comma separated recipient list, for example "[email protected], [email protected]"

trigger_condition (String)

liquid code which should evaluate to true if the email should be sent


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