

Last edit: Oct 26, 2022

No description

type Listing implements ListingCustomAttributeInterface, ListingsMetadata, RelationOnDemandInterface, RemoteModelInterface {
  created_at: JSONDate
  creator: UserListing
  creator_id: ID
  custom_address(name: String!): ListingAddress
  custom_addresses(name: String): [ListingAddress!]
  custom_attachment(name: String!): ListingsPrivateFile
  custom_attachments(name: String): [ListingsPrivateFile!]
  custom_image(name: String!): ListingImage
  custom_images(name: String): [ListingImage!]
    name: String
    properties: [QueryCustomAttribute]
    user_id: ID
  ): [ListingsCustomization!]
  deleted_at: JSONDate
  external_id: ID
  id: ID!
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String
    model_name: String
  ): ListingsCustomization
    foreign_property: String!
    join_on_property: String!
    model_name: [String]
  ): [ListingsCustomization!]
  name: String
  properties: HashObject
  property(name: String!): String
  property_array(name: String!): [String!]
  property_json(name: String!): JSONPayload
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String
    model_schema_name: String
  ): ListingsCustomization
    foreign_property: String!
    join_on_property: String!
    model_schema_name: [String]
  ): [ListingsCustomization!]
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String = "user_id"
  ): User
  remote_model(endpoint: Endpoint!, join_on_property: String!): Customization
  slug: String!
  sort_score: [Int]
  type: String
  updated_at: JSONDate
    foreign_property: String = "id"
    join_on_property: String = "user_id"
  ): User


created_at (JSONDate)

creator (UserListing)

Remember to set listing: { has_creator: true } in query arguments

creator_id (ID)

custom_address (ListingAddress)

Fetch address by name; ex: address: custom_address(name: "office_address")

custom_addresses (ListingAddress)

Fetch all addresses, optionaly you can filter results by name; ex: home: custom_addresses(name: "home")

custom_attachment (ListingsPrivateFile)

Fetch attachment by name; ex: sales_report: custom_attachment(name: "sales_report")

custom_attachments (ListingsPrivateFile)

custom_image (ListingImage)

Fetch image by name; ex: header: custom_image(name: "header")

custom_images (ListingImage)

Fetch all images, optionaly you can filter results by name; ex: cat_images: custom_images(name: "cat")

customizations (ListingsCustomization)

deleted_at (JSONDate)

external_id (ID)

id (ID)

model (ListingsCustomization)

Defines belongs-to relation with other model; ex: parent: model(model_name:
"parent", join_on_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load remote resource with id == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with custom-model-type-name == model_name

models (ListingsCustomization)

Defines has-many relation with other model; ex: children: models(model_name:
"child", join_on_property: "parent_id", foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with custom-model-type-name == model_name

name (String)

properties (HashObject)

List of all properties assigned to the object.

property (String)

Fetch any custom attribute by name; ex: hair_color: property(name: "hair_color")

property_array (String)

Fetch any property of Array type by name, it returns Array in contrast to
"property" which returns String; ex: todo_list: property_array(name: "todo_list")

property_json (JSONPayload)

Fetch any property of JSON type by name, it returns JSON in contrast to
"property" which returns String; ex: todo_list: property_json(name: "todo_list")

Defines belongs-to relation with other model; ex: parent: model(model_name:
"parent", join_on_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load remote resource with id == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with custom-model-type-name == model_name

Defines has-many relation with other model, returns maximum of 10000 records
at once; ex: children: models(model_name: "child", join_on_property:
"parent_id", foreign_property: "parent_id") { id }

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Load resources with foreign_property == join_on_property

Joins model [formaly customization] with custom-model-type-name == model_name

Defines relation with other user, returns maximum of 10000 records at once;
ex: invited_by: user(join_on_property: "invited_by_id") { id }

remote_model (Customization)

Defines relation object accessible over HTTP in JSON collection identified by it's ID.

Endpoint that will return resources for given ids in json format

Load remote resource with id == join_on_property

slug (String)

sort_score (Int)

when sorting by distance - field contains distance to target location

type (String)

updated_at (JSONDate)

user (User)

Defines relation with other user; ex: invited_by: user(join_on_property: "invited_by_id") { id }







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