

Last edit: May 19, 2024

Root query for schema

type RootQuery {
    ids: [ID]
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [ActivitiesSortInput!]
    uuids: [String]
  ): ActivityStreamsActivityCollection
    filter: ApiCallNotificationsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [ApiCallNotificationsSortInput!]
  ): ApiCallNotificationCollection!
    filter: QueryAssetsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [AssetsSortInput!]
  ): AssetCollection!
  admin_assets_listing(id: ID!): AssetsListing!
    filter: AuthorizationPoliciesFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [AuthorizationPoliciesSortInput!]
  ): AuthorizationPolicyCollection!
    filter: BackgroundJobsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [BackgroundJobsSortInput!]
  ): BackgroundJobCollection!
    filter: EmailNotificationsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [EmailNotificationsSortInput!]
  ): EmailNotificationCollection!
    filter: FormConfigurationsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [FormConfigurationsSortInput!]
  ): FormConfigurationCollection!
    filter: FormsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [FormsSortInput!]
  ): FormCollection!
    filter: GraphqlFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [GraphqlSortInput!]
  ): GraphQueryCollection!
    filter: LiquidLayoutsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [LiquidLayoutsSortInput!]
  ): LiquidLayoutCollection!
    filter: LiquidPartialsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [LiquidPartialsSortInput!]
  ): LiquidPartialCollection!
    filter: ModelSchemasFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [ModelSchemasSortInput!]
  ): ModelSchemaCollection!
    exclude: Boolean
    filter: PageFilterInput
    has_key: String
    metadata: String
    name: String
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [PagesSortInput!]
    value: String
  ): PageCollection!
  admin_search_index_rc(search_index: String!): HashObject
    filter: SentNotificationsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [SentNotificationsSortInput!]
  ): SentNotificationCollection!
    filter: SmsNotificationsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [SmsNotificationsSortInput!]
  ): SmsNotificationCollection!
    filter: TablesFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [TablesSortInput!]
  ): TableCollection!
    filter: ThirdPartyIntegrationsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [ThirdPartyIntegrationsSortInput!]
  ): ThirdPartyIntegrationCollection!
    filter: TransactableSchemasFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [TransactableSchemasSortInput!]
  ): TransactableSchemaCollection!
    filter: UserProfileSchemasFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [UserProfileSchemasSortInput!]
  ): UserProfileSchemaCollection!
    filter: VersionFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [VersionSortInput!]
  ): VersionCollection!
  cms_discovery(types: [CMSItemType]): CMSItemDefinitionCollection
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int
    type: CMSItemType!
  ): CMSItemPayloadCollection
  constant(filter: EncryptedConstantFilterInput): EncryptedConstant
    filter: EncryptedConstantsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [EncryptedConstantsSortInput!]
  ): EncryptedConstantCollection!
  current_user: User
  custom_attribute_definition(name: String!): CustomAttributeDefinition
  customization(id: ID, name: String): Customization
    aggregations: [ListingAggregation]
    created_at: DateRange
    custom_model_type: QueryCustomModelType
    customizable_id: ID
    customizable_ids: [ID]
    customizable_type: String
    external_id: ID
    external_ids: [ID]
    id: ID
    ids: [ID]
    is_deleted: Boolean
    model_schema: QueryModelSchema
    name: String
    names: [String]
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    properties: [QueryCustomAttribute]
    query: Query
    sort: [SortOrder]
    updated_at: DateRange
    user_id: ID
    user_ids: [ID]
    without_ids: [ID]
    without_names: [String]
  ): ListingsCustomizationCollection!
    filter: DataExportsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [DataExportsSortInput!]
  ): DataExportCollection!
    aggregations: [ListingAggregation]
    filter: [IndexSearchFilterInput!]
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int!
    query: IndexSearchQuery
    search_index: String!
    sort: [IndexSearchSortInput!]
  ): IndexSearchCollection!
    filter: EmbeddingsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int!
    sort: [EmbeddingsSortInput!]
  ): EmbeddingCollection!
  feeds: [ActivityStreamsFeed]
  handlers(page: Int = 1, per_page: Int = 20): ActivityStreamsHandlerCollection
    filter: ImagesFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int!
    sort: [ImagesSortInput!]
  ): CustomImageCollection!
  instance: Instance
    aggregations: [ListingAggregation]
    geo_query: GeoQuery
    listing: QueryListing
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    query: Query
    sort: [SortOrder]
  ): ListingCollection!
  login_providers: [String]
  model(id: ID, name: String): Customization
    filter: ModelsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int!
    sort: [ModelsSortInput!]
  ): ModelCollection!
    exclude: Boolean
    filter: PageFilterInput
    has_key: String
    metadata: String
    name: String
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    sort: [PagesSortInput!]
    value: String
  ): PageCollection!
    aggregations: [ListingAggregation]
    geo_query: GeoQuery
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    query: Query
    sort: [SortOrder]
    user: QueryUser
  ): UserListingCollection!
    filter: RecordsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int!
    sort: [RecordsSortInput!]
  ): RecordCollection!
    endpoint: Endpoint!
    filter: RecordsFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int!
    sort: [RecordsSortInput!]
  ): RecordCollection!
    endpoint: Endpoint!
    filter: UsersFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int!
    sort: [UsersSortInput!]
  ): UserCollection!
  request: HTTPRequestContext
    feed_id: ID
    feed_name: String
    feed_type: String!
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int = 20
    reset_last_read: Boolean = true
  ): ActivityStreamsActivityStreamCollection
  transactable(creator_id: ID, id: ID, slug: String): Transactable!
  transactable_type(id: ID, name: String): TransactableType
  transactable_types(ids: [ID], names: [String]): [TransactableType]
  transactables(page: Int = 1, per_page: Int = 20): TransactableCollection!
    email: String
    external_id: String
    id: ID
    is_deleted: Boolean
    slug: String
  ): User
    filter: UsersFilterInput
    page: Int = 1
    per_page: Int!
    sort: [UsersSortInput!]
  ): UserCollection!


activities (ActivityStreamsActivityCollection)

admin_api_call_notifications (ApiCallNotificationCollection)

admin_assets (AssetCollection)

admin_assets_listing (AssetsListing)

Returns an asset listing for the instance.

admin_authorization_policies (AuthorizationPolicyCollection)

admin_background_jobs (BackgroundJobCollection)

Maximum 50

  • per_page (Int)

Maximum 100

admin_email_notifications (EmailNotificationCollection)

admin_form_configurations (FormConfigurationCollection)

admin_forms (FormCollection)

admin_graphql (GraphQueryCollection)

admin_liquid_layouts (LiquidLayoutCollection)

admin_liquid_partials (LiquidPartialCollection)

admin_model_schemas (ModelSchemaCollection)

admin_pages (PageCollection)

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { exclude: $exclude }}

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { has_key: $key }}

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { contains: $text }}

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { attribute: { key: $name, value: $value }}}

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { attribute: { key: $key, value: $value }}}

admin_search_index_rc (HashObject)

Get mapping for specified index

Index name

admin_sent_notifications (SentNotificationCollection)

admin_sms_notifications (SmsNotificationCollection)

admin_tables (TableCollection)

admin_third_party_integrations (ThirdPartyIntegrationCollection)

admin_transactable_schemas (TransactableSchemaCollection)

admin_user_profile_schemas (UserProfileSchemaCollection)

admin_versions (VersionCollection)

cms_discovery (CMSItemDefinitionCollection)

cms_items (CMSItemPayloadCollection)

constant (EncryptedConstant)

constants (EncryptedConstantCollection)

current_user (User)

custom_attribute_definition (CustomAttributeDefinition)

customization (Customization)

customizations (ListingsCustomizationCollection)

deprecated: use model_schema

Name of the Model Schema

Array of names of the Model Schema

Fulltext search

Array of ids to exclude from results

Array of names of the Model Schema which will be excluded from results

data_exports (DataExportCollection)

Exported data packages

documents_rc (IndexSearchCollection)

Search documents with fulltext search query or filter by arguments.

Fulltext search

Index name

embeddings_rc (EmbeddingCollection)

Returns collection of all Embeddings in the system.

feeds (ActivityStreamsFeed)

handlers (ActivityStreamsHandlerCollection)

images (CustomImageCollection)

instance (Instance)

listings (ListingCollection)

Geo search Deprecetad

Fulltext search

login_providers (String)

model (Customization)

models (ModelCollection)

Returns collection of all Models in the system, including soft deleted items.

pages (PageCollection)

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { exclude: $exclude }}

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { has_key: $key }}

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { contains: $text }}

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { attribute: { key: $name, value: $value }}}

deprecated use filter: { metadata: { attribute: { key: $key, value: $value }}}

people (UserListingCollection)

Geo search

Fulltext search

records (RecordCollection)

Returns collection of all Records in the system.

remote_records (RecordCollection)

Returns collection of remote Records.

Endpoint that will return resources for given ids in json format

remote_users (UserCollection)

Endpoint that will return resources for given ids in json format

request (HTTPRequestContext)

streams (ActivityStreamsActivityStreamCollection)

Deprecated use feed_id

transactable (Transactable)

Slug of the transactable

transactable_type (TransactableType)

Name of Transactable Type

transactable_types (TransactableType)

  • ids (ID)

List of ids

List of names

transactables (TransactableCollection)

user (User)

Finds non deleted users based on arguments provided

users (UserCollection)


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