

Last edit: May 19, 2024

No description

type PropertyFilterInput {
  allow_empty: Boolean
  array_contains: [String!]
  array_overlaps: [String!]
  contains: String
  distance_sphere: GeoPropertyFilterInput
  ends_with: String
  exists: Boolean
  name: String!
  not_array_contains: [String!]
  not_array_overlaps: [String!]
  not_contains: String
  not_ends_with: String
  not_starts_with: String
  not_value: String
  not_value_array: [String!]
  not_value_boolean: Boolean
  not_value_float: Float
  not_value_in: [String!]
  not_value_int: Int
  not_within_radius: GeoRadiusPropertyFilterInput
  property_type: String
  range: RangeFilter
  starts_with: String
  value: String
  value_array: [String!]
  value_boolean: Boolean
  value_float: Float
  value_in: [String!]
  value_int: Int
  within_radius: GeoRadiusPropertyFilterInput


allow_empty (Boolean)

allow empty values

array_contains (String)

selects records for which the property of type Array contains all of the provided elements

array_overlaps (String)

selects records for which the property of type Array contains at least one of the provided elements

contains (String)

selects records where the property of type String contains the provided string as a sub-string (case insensitive)

distance_sphere (GeoPropertyFilterInput)

select records for which a distance between its point from <:property> and <:center> point is less than <:distance>.

ends_with (String)

selects records for which the property of type String ends with the provided argument (case insensitive)

exists (Boolean)

if argument is true, selects records for which the property exists and is not
null; if argument is false, selects records for which the property doesn't
exist or is null

name (String)

name of the property

not_array_contains (String)

selects records for which the property of type Array may contain some, but not all of the provided elements

not_array_overlaps (String)

selects records for which the property of type Array doesn't have any element
in common with the provided array of elements

not_contains (String)

selects records where the property of type String does not contain the provided string as a sub-string (case insensitive)

not_ends_with (String)

selects records for which the property of type String does not end with the provided argument (case insensitive)

not_starts_with (String)

selects records for which the property of type String does not start with the provided argument (case insensitive)

not_value (String)

property specified by name should have a value that is different from the value provided

not_value_array (String)

selects records for which the property of type Array is not equal to the provided value

not_value_boolean (Boolean)

property specified by name should be different from the value provided

not_value_float (Float)

property specified by name should different from the value provided

not_value_in (String)

selects records for which the property is not included as a sub-array or is not an element of the provided Array argument

not_value_int (Int)

property specified by name should be equal different from the value provided

not_within_radius (GeoRadiusPropertyFilterInput)

select records for which a <:point> is not within <:radius_in_km_from_property> km distance from its <:property> point

property_type (String)

specifies the type of the property if it can't be determined automatically

range (RangeFilter)

selects records for which the property value is inside the given range; range
options that can be given are lt (lower than), lte (lower than or equal), gt
(greater than), gte (greater than or equal)

starts_with (String)

selects records for which the property of type String starts with the provided argument (case insensitive)

value (String)

property specified by name should have a value that is equal to the value provided

value_array (String)

selects records for which the property of type Array is equal to the provided value

value_boolean (Boolean)

property specified by name should be equal to the value provided

value_float (Float)

property specified by name should be equal to the value provided

value_in (String)

selects records for which the property is included as a sub-array or is an element of the provided Array argument

value_int (Int)

property specified by name should be equal to the value provided

within_radius (GeoRadiusPropertyFilterInput)

select records for which a <:point> is within <:radius_in_km_from_property> km distance from its <:property> point


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