

Last edit: Jun 10, 2024

Property definition

type Property implements AdminSharedAttributesInterface {
  attribute_type: PropertyTypeEnum!
  belongs_to: String
  created_at: JSONDate!
  default_value: String
  id: ID!
  manually_managed: Boolean
  metadata: HashObject
  name: String!
  options: HashObject
  physical_file_path: String
  target_id: ID!
  target_type: String!
  updated_at: JSONDate!


attribute_type (PropertyTypeEnum)

Type of the property

belongs_to (String)

Defines a relationship with other model schema or the user schema. Used during importing/exporting data.

created_at (JSONDate)

default_value (String)

Default value for new objects

id (ID)

manually_managed (Boolean)

defines whether this objectwill be affected via pos-cli deploy / sync

metadata (HashObject)

name (String)

Name of the property

options (HashObject)

Options, used only by type upload

physical_file_path (String)

defines the physical path of the file

target_id (ID)

Id of the schema to which this property definition belongs

target_type (String)

Type of the schema to which this property definition belongs

updated_at (JSONDate)




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