

Last edit: Jan 27, 2025

No description

type RootMutation {
  activity_create(payload: ActivityStreamsPayload!): ActivityStreamsActivity
  activity_delete_all(confirm: Boolean): [ID]
    at: ISO8601DateTime
    feed_type: String!
    ids: [ID]!
    uuid: ID!
  ): JSONDate
    record_id: ID
    related_to_object: ActiveRecordReference
    uuid: ID
  ): [ID]
  activity_unpublish_all(confirm: Boolean): [ID]
    api_call_notification: ApiCallNotificationInputType!
  ): ApiCallNotification
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
  ): ApiCallNotification
    api_call_notification: UpdateApiCallNotificationInputType!
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
  ): ApiCallNotification
  admin_asset_delete(physical_file_path: String!): Asset
  admin_asset_delete_all(filter: MutationAssetsFilterInput!): String
    asset: AssetUpdateInput!
    physical_file_path: String!
  ): Asset
    asset: AssetUpdateAllInput!
    filter: MutationAssetsFilterInput!
  ): ObjectCount
  admin_assets_create(assets: [AssetInput!]!): AssetsCreateMutationPayload
  admin_assets_listing_create: AssetsListingIdentifier!
    paths: [AssetPresignInput!]!
  ): AssetsPresignUrlsMutationPayload
    authorization_policy: AuthorizationPolicyInputType!
  ): AuthorizationPolicy
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
  ): AuthorizationPolicy
    authorization_policy: UpdateAuthorizationPolicyInputType!
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
  ): AuthorizationPolicy
  admin_background_job_delete(id: ID!): BackgroundJob
  admin_background_job_retry(id: ID!): BackgroundJob
    email_notification: EmailNotificationInputType!
  ): EmailNotification
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
  ): EmailNotification
    filter: EmailNotificationsFilterInput!
  ): ObjectCount
    email_notification: UpdateEmailNotificationInputType!
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
  ): EmailNotification
    email_notification: UpdateEmailNotificationInputType!
    filter: EmailNotificationsFilterInput!
  ): ObjectCount
  admin_field_create(field: StandalonePropertyInputType!): Property
  admin_field_delete(id: ID!): Property
    field: UpdateStandalonePropertyInputType!
    id: ID!
  ): Property
    form_configuration: FormConfigurationInputType!
  ): FormConfiguration
  admin_form_configuration_delete(id: ID!): FormConfiguration
    form_configuration: UpdateFormConfigurationInputType!
    id: ID!
  ): FormConfiguration
  admin_form_create(form: FormInput!): Form
  admin_form_delete(id: ID, physical_file_path: String): Form
  admin_form_delete_all(filter: FormsFilterInput!): ObjectCount
    form: UpdateFormInput!
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
  ): Form
    filter: FormsFilterInput!
    form: UpdateFormInput!
  ): ObjectCount
  admin_graphql_create(graphql: GraphqlInputType!): GraphQL
  admin_graphql_delete(physical_file_path: String!): GraphQL
    graphql: UpdateGraphqlInputType!
    physical_file_path: String!
  ): GraphQL
    liquid_layout: LiquidLayoutInputType!
  ): LiquidLayout
  admin_liquid_layout_delete(id: ID, physical_file_path: String): LiquidLayout
    filter: LiquidLayoutsFilterInput!
    sync: Boolean
  ): ObjectCount
    id: ID
    liquid_layout: UpdateLiquidLayoutInputType!
    physical_file_path: String
  ): LiquidLayout
    filter: LiquidLayoutsFilterInput!
    liquid_layout: UpdateLiquidLayoutInputType!
  ): ObjectCount
    liquid_partial: LiquidPartialInputType!
  ): LiquidPartial
  admin_liquid_partial_delete(id: ID, physical_file_path: String): LiquidPartial
    filter: LiquidPartialsFilterInput!
    sync: Boolean
  ): ObjectCount
    id: ID
    liquid_partial: UpdateLiquidPartialInputType!
    physical_file_path: String
  ): LiquidPartial
    filter: LiquidPartialsFilterInput!
    liquid_partial: UpdateLiquidPartialInputType!
  ): ObjectCount
  admin_model_schema_create(model_schema: ModelSchemaInputType!): ModelSchema
  admin_model_schema_delete(id: ID, physical_file_path: String): ModelSchema
    id: ID
    model_schema: UpdateModelSchemaInputType!
    physical_file_path: String
  ): ModelSchema
  admin_page_create(page: PageInputType!): Page
  admin_page_delete(id: ID, physical_file_path: String): Page
    id: ID
    page: UpdatePageInputType!
    physical_file_path: String
  ): Page
    filter: PageFilterInput!
    page: UpdatePageInputType!
  ): ObjectCount!
  admin_pages_delete_all(filter: PageFilterInput!, sync: Boolean): ObjectCount!
  admin_property_create(property: StandalonePropertyInputType!): Property
  admin_property_delete(id: ID!): Property
    id: ID!
    property: UpdateStandalonePropertyInputType!
  ): Property
    sms_notification: SmsNotificationInputType!
  ): SmsNotification
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
  ): SmsNotification
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
    sms_notification: UpdateSmsNotificationInputType!
  ): SmsNotification
  admin_table_create(table: TableInputType!): Table
  admin_table_delete(physical_file_path: String!): Table
    physical_file_path: String!
    table: UpdateTableInputType!
  ): Table
    transactable_schema: TransactableSchemaInputType!
  ): TransactableSchema
  admin_transactable_schema_delete(id: ID!): TransactableSchema
    id: ID!
    transactable_schema: UpdateTransactableSchemaInputType!
  ): TransactableSchema
  admin_translation_create(translation: TranslationInputType!): Translation
  admin_translation_delete(key: String!, locale: String!): Translation
  admin_translation_set(translation: TranslationInputType!): Translation
    strategy: TranslationJsonStrategy!
    translation: TranslationJsonInputType!
  ): TranslationJson
  admin_translation_unset(key: String!, locale: String!): Translation
    key: String!
    locale: String!
    translation: UpdateTranslationInputType!
  ): Translation
    user_profile_schema: UserProfileSchemaInputType!
  ): UserProfileSchema
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
  ): UserProfileSchema
    id: ID
    physical_file_path: String
    user_profile_schema: UpdateUserProfileSchemaInputType!
  ): UserProfileSchema
    api_call: ApiCallSendRequestInput
    data: HashObject
    options: ApiCallSendOptions
    template: NotificationTemplateInput
  ): ApiCallSendPayload
    options: AttachmentPresignUrlInput
  ): AttachmentPresignedUploadUrl!
    channel_name: String!
    payload: JSONPayload!
    room_id: String!
  ): String
  constant_set(name: String!, value: String!): EncryptedConstant!
  constant_unset(name: String!): EncryptedConstant
    custom_attachment: CustomAttachmentInputType!
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
  ): CustomAttachment
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID!
  ): CustomAttachment
    custom_attachment: UpdateCustomAttachmentInputType!
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID!
  ): CustomAttachment
    custom_image: NewCustomImageInputType!
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
  ): CustomImage
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID!
  ): CustomImage
    custom_image: CustomImageInputType!
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID!
  ): CustomImage
    customization: CustomizationInputType
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    model: CustomizationInputType
  ): Customization!
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID!
  ): Customization!
    customization: CustomizationInputType
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID!
    model: CustomizationInputType
  ): Customization!
    all_custom_model_types: Boolean
    all_model_schemas: Boolean
    custom_model_type_name: String
    filter: ModelsFilterInput
    model_schema_name: String
    sync: Boolean
  ): ObjectCount!
    encryption: PropertyUploadEncryptionInput
    models: DataExportModelsInput
    records: DataExportRecordsInput
    split_files: Boolean = true
    users: DataExportUsersInput
  ): DataExport!
    documents: [HashObject]!
    search_index: String!
  ): HashObject
  documents_delete_rc(id: ID!, search_index: String!): HashObject
    document: HashObject!
    id: ID
    search_index: String!
  ): HashObject
    document: HashObject!
    id: ID
    search_index: String!
  ): HashObject
    data: HashObject
    email: NotificationEmailInput
    template: NotificationTemplateInput
  ): NotificationSendEmailPayload
  embedding_create_rc(embedding: EmbeddingCreateInputType!): Embedding!
  embedding_delete_rc(id: ID!): Embedding!
  embedding_update_rc(embedding: EmbeddingUpdateInputType!, id: ID!): Embedding!
    fields: HashObject!
    form_name: String!
    id: ID
  ): FormSubmitPayload
  image_presign_url(options: ImagePresignUrlInput): ImagePresignedUploadUrl!
    _id_remap: Boolean = true
    _index_rebuild: Boolean = true
    models: [CustomizationImport!]!
  ): ImportCustomizationsMutationPayload
    _id_remap: Boolean = true
    _index_rebuild: Boolean = true
    transactables: [TransactableImport!]!
  ): ImportTransactablesMutationPayload
    _id_remap: Boolean = true
    _index_rebuild: Boolean = true
    users: [UserImport!]!
  ): ImportUsersMutationPayload
    jwt_algorithm: JwtAlgorithm = HS256
    jwt_token: String!
  ): User
  log(message: Any!, type: LogEntryType!): LogEntry
    customization: CustomizationInputType
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    model: CustomizationInputType
  ): Model!
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID!
  ): Model!
    customization: CustomizationInputType
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID!
    model: CustomizationInputType
  ): Model!
    all_custom_model_types: Boolean
    all_model_schemas: Boolean
    custom_model_type_name: String
    filter: ModelsFilterInput
    model_schema_name: String
    sync: Boolean
  ): ObjectCount!
    filter: ModelsFilterInput
    model: CustomizationInputType!
    model_schema_name: String!
    sync: Boolean
  ): ObjectCount!
  presigned_upload_url(options: PresignUrlInput): PresignedUploadUrl!
    include_content_type: Boolean
    model_schema_name: String
    presign_url: PresignUrl
    property_name: String!
    table: String
    user: Boolean
  ): PropertyUploadPresignedUrl!
  record_create(form_name: String, record: RecordInputType!): Record!
  record_delete(form_name: String, id: ID!, table: String): Model!
    _index_update: Boolean = true
    form_name: String
    id: ID!
    record: RecordInputType!
  ): Record!
  records_create_rc(records: [RecordsCreateInputType!]!): [RecordCreate!]!
    any_table: Boolean
    filter: RecordsFilterInput
    sync: Boolean
    table: String
  ): ObjectCount!
    _index_update: Boolean
    filter: RecordsFilterInput
    record: RecordInputType!
    sync: Boolean
    table: String!
  ): ObjectCount!
  session_create_field(name: String!, value: Any!): HashObject
  session_delete_field(name: String!): HashObject
    data: HashObject
    sms: SmsSendInput
    template: NotificationTemplateInput
  ): SmsSendPayload
    form_configuration_name: String
    transactable: TransactableInputType!
  ): Transactable!
  transactable_delete(form_configuration_name: String, id: ID!): Transactable!
    form_configuration_name: String
    id: ID!
    transactable: TransactableInputType!
  ): Transactable!
    all_transactable_types: Boolean
    transactable_type_name: String
  ): ObjectCount!
  update_models(models: [ModelUpdate!]!): UpdateCustomizationsMutationPayload
  update_users(users: [UserUpdate!]!): UpdateUsersMutationPayload
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID
    user: UserInputType!
  ): User
  user_delete(form_configuration_name: String, form_name: String, id: ID!): User
    otp_name: String
    user_id: ID!
  ): UserOtpDeleteTokenInformation
    otp_name: String
    user_id: ID!
  ): UserOtpSecretRefreshInformation
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    profile_type: String!
    user_id: ID!
  ): Profile!
    all_user_profile_types: Boolean
    user_id: Int
    user_profile_type_name: String
  ): ObjectCount!
    email: String
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    password: String!
    remember_me: String = "1"
  ): User
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
  ): HashObject
    form_configuration_name: String
    form_name: String
    id: ID
    user: UserInputType!
  ): User
    all_users: Boolean
    filter: UsersFilterInput
    sync: Boolean
  ): ObjectCount!
    all_users: Boolean
    filter: UsersFilterInput
    sync: Boolean
    user: UserInputType!
  ): ObjectCount!


activity_create (ActivityStreamsActivity)

Creates an Activity

activity_delete_all (ID)

Delete all activities and clean up ALL feeds

activity_publish (JSONDate)

add activity to feeds

e.i. User, UserPrivate, AuditLog, Images, Posts

  • ids (ID)
  • uuid (ID)

activity_unpublish (ID)

Clean up feeds from selected activities

  • record_id (ID)

search for activities related to the record ( {"id": "<record_id>"}) and then cleanup all feeds from found activities

search for activities related to the Object and then cleanup all feeds from found activities

  • uuid (ID)

remove from feeds activity with UUID

activity_unpublish_all (ID)

Clean up ALL feeds

admin_api_call_notification_create (ApiCallNotification)

Creates api call notification

admin_api_call_notification_delete (ApiCallNotification)

Deletes api call notification

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_api_call_notification_update (ApiCallNotification)

Updates api call notification

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_asset_delete (Asset)

Remove an asset including the physical file. There is no way to revert this operation, use with caution.

admin_asset_delete_all (String)

Removes all assets that match the filter.

admin_asset_update (Asset)

Updates asset and physically move the file to the new location

Identifier of a file which you want to update

admin_asset_update_all (ObjectCount)

Updates all assets that match the filter.

admin_assets_create (AssetsCreateMutationPayload)

Creates asset

admin_assets_listing_create (AssetsListingIdentifier)

Asynchronously generates report of the current s3 state. Returns ID, to be used in admin_assets_listing query.

admin_assets_presign_urls (AssetsPresignUrlsMutationPayload)

Presign assets urls for given path

admin_authorization_policy_create (AuthorizationPolicy)

Creates authorization policy

admin_authorization_policy_delete (AuthorizationPolicy)

Delete authorization policy

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_authorization_policy_update (AuthorizationPolicy)

Update authorization policy

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_background_job_delete (BackgroundJob)

Delete background job

admin_background_job_retry (BackgroundJob)

Retries failed background job

admin_email_notification_create (EmailNotification)

Creates email_notification schema

admin_email_notification_delete (EmailNotification)

Creates email_notification schema

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_email_notification_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Deletes email notifications matching the filter

Filter for matching email notifications to delete

admin_email_notification_update (EmailNotification)

Creates email_notification schema

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_email_notification_update_all (ObjectCount)

Updates all email notifications matching the filter

Filter for matching email notifications to update

admin_field_create (Property)

Creates field

admin_field_delete (Property)

Creates field

admin_field_update (Property)

Creates field

admin_form_configuration_create (FormConfiguration)

Creates form_configuration schema

admin_form_configuration_delete (FormConfiguration)

Deletes form_configuration schema

admin_form_configuration_update (FormConfiguration)

Updates form_configuration schema

admin_form_create (Form)

Creates form

admin_form_delete (Form)

Delete form

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_form_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Delete multiple forms

admin_form_update (Form)

Update form

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_form_update_all (ObjectCount)

Update multiple forms

admin_graphql_create (GraphQL)

Creates graphql

admin_graphql_delete (GraphQL)

Deletes graphql

admin_graphql_update (GraphQL)

Updates graphql

admin_liquid_layout_create (LiquidLayout)

Creates liquid layout

admin_liquid_layout_delete (LiquidLayout)

Deletes liquid layout

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_liquid_layout_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Deletes multiple liquid layouts

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously

admin_liquid_layout_update (LiquidLayout)

Updates liquid layout

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_liquid_layout_update_all (ObjectCount)

Updates multiple liquid layouts

admin_liquid_partial_create (LiquidPartial)

Creates liquid partial

admin_liquid_partial_delete (LiquidPartial)

Deletes liquid partial

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_liquid_partial_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Deletes multiple liquid partials

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously

admin_liquid_partial_update (LiquidPartial)

Updates liquid partial

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_liquid_partial_update_all (ObjectCount)

Updates multiple liquid partials

admin_model_schema_create (ModelSchema)

Creates model schema

admin_model_schema_delete (ModelSchema)

Deletes model schema

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_model_schema_update (ModelSchema)

Updates model schema

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_page_create (Page)

Creates page

admin_page_delete (Page)

Deletes page

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_page_update (Page)

Updates page

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_page_update_all (ObjectCount)

Updates multiple pages

admin_pages_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Remove all pages, beware there is no coming back!

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously

admin_property_create (Property)

Creates property

admin_property_delete (Property)

Creates property

admin_property_update (Property)

Creates property

admin_sms_notification_create (SmsNotification)

Creates sms_notification schema

admin_sms_notification_delete (SmsNotification)

Deletes sms_notification schema

admin_sms_notification_update (SmsNotification)

Updates sms_notification schema

admin_table_create (Table)

Creates table

admin_table_delete (Table)

Deletes table

admin_table_update (Table)

Updates table

admin_transactable_schema_create (TransactableSchema)

Creates transactable schema

admin_transactable_schema_delete (TransactableSchema)

Deletes transactable schema

admin_transactable_schema_update (TransactableSchema)

Updates transactable schema

admin_translation_create (Translation)

Creates translation

admin_translation_delete (Translation)

Deletes translation

for example en, de etc.

admin_translation_set (Translation)

Creates the translation if the key/locale pair does not exist or updates existing translation

admin_translation_set_json (TranslationJson)

Sets the whole JSON branch, either by merging it to the existing translations or by overwriting the whole branch

json with translation tree which should be set

admin_translation_unset (Translation)

Unsets the translation key for a given locale

for example en, de etc.

admin_translation_update (Translation)

Updates translation. If translation does not exist, it will be created.

for example en, de etc.

admin_user_profile_schema_create (UserProfileSchema)

Creates user_profile schema

admin_user_profile_schema_delete (UserProfileSchema)

Deletes user_profile schema

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

admin_user_profile_schema_update (UserProfileSchema)

Updates user_profile schema

deprecated, please use physical_file_path

api_call_send (ApiCallSendPayload)

Variables that will be accesible in liquid

Template defined in app/api_calls

attachment_presign_url (AttachmentPresignedUploadUrl)

Presign upload url for direct s3 upload

channel_send_message (String)

Broadcast to a channel and room

constant_set (EncryptedConstant)

Name of the constant you want to set

Value of the constant, which will be securely store

constant_unset (EncryptedConstant)

Name of the constant you want to unset

custom_attachment_create (CustomAttachment)

Creates a CustomAttachment

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

custom_attachment_delete (CustomAttachment)

Remove a custom attachment

  • form_configuration_name (String)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

custom_attachment_update (CustomAttachment)

Updates a CustomAttachment

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

custom_image_create (CustomImage)

Creates a CustomImage

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

custom_image_delete (CustomImage)

Remove a custom image

  • form_configuration_name (String)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

custom_image_update (CustomImage)

Updates a CustomImage

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

customization_create (Customization)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

customization_delete (Customization)

Remove a customization

  • form_configuration_name (String)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

customization_update (Customization)

Updates a customization

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

customizations_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Remove all models, beware there is no coming back!

Deprecated, use all_model_schemas

Mark this if you really want to remove all models

  • custom_model_type_name (String)

Deprecated, use model_schema_name

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously

data_export (DataExport)

Schedules data export of either models, users or both, similarly to pos-cli,
with the difference it is capable of additional filtering and sorting. Returns
ID of an export task, which can be queries same way as pos-cli does its check.
Generated CSVs are compatible with pos-cli data import.

Encrypt the content

deprecated, use records

provide at least empty hash if you want records to be exported

provide at least empty hash if you want users to be exported

documents_bulk_upsert_rc (HashObject)

Insert the documents into the search index. If the document already exists in
the index, the document will be updated instead.

JSON documents to be put into the <index_name> index

Index name

documents_delete_rc (HashObject)

Removes document from the search index.

Index name

documents_insert_rc (HashObject)

Insert the document into the search index. If the document already exists in
the index, the document will be updated instead.

JSON document to be put into the <index_name> index

Index name

documents_upsert_rc (HashObject)

Insert the document into the search index. If the document already exists in
the index, the document will be updated instead.

JSON document to be put into the <index_name> index

Index name

email_send (NotificationSendEmailPayload)

Email will be queued to send

Variables that will be accesible in liquild

Email parameters

Template defined in app/emails

embedding_create_rc (Embedding)

Creates a embedding

embedding_delete_rc (Embedding)

Remove an embedding

embedding_update_rc (Embedding)

Updates an embedding

form_submit (FormSubmitPayload)

Values for fields defined in associated form. Might include "id" key which
will identify the resource in case id argument is blank.

Name of the form which should be submitted

id of a resource to be updated; can also be provided as "id" key in "fields"
hash (if both are present, this argument takes precedence).

image_presign_url (ImagePresignedUploadUrl)

Generate presigned url where you can upload image. Include image processing.

import_models (ImportCustomizationsMutationPayload)

Remap ids, when disabled all ids needs to be an Integer

Rebuilds index for full text search queries

import_transactables (ImportTransactablesMutationPayload)

Remap ids, when disabled all ids needs to be an Integer

Rebuilds index for full text search queries

import_users (ImportUsersMutationPayload)

Remap ids, when disabled all ids needs to be an Integer

Rebuilds index for full text search queries

jwt_decode_and_set_session (User)

Check JWT token and Sign In User

log (LogEntry)

Creates a MarketplaceLogEntryMutation

model_create (Model)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

model_delete (Model)

Remove a customization

  • form_configuration_name (String)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

model_update (Model)

Updates a customization

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

models_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Remove all models, beware there is no coming back!

Deprecated, use all_model_schemas

Mark this if you really want to remove all models

  • custom_model_type_name (String)

Deprecated, use model_schema_name

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously

models_update_all (ObjectCount)

Update all models matching filter conditions; use only for small result set,
for larger amount of results use import feature

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously

presigned_upload_url (PresignedUploadUrl)

Presign upload url for direct s3 upload

property_upload_presigned_url (PropertyUploadPresignedUrl)

Generate presigned url where you can upload image. Include image processing.

Set to true if you want to include a content type in the POST request to S3.
Useful in some cases where the default provided by S3 will not do, like for
example for SVG files

deprecated, use table

Presign url options

name of the property of type upload

Name of the Table schema to which the property belomgs. Must be blank if property is defined directly in user.yml

Must be set to true if property is defined directly in user.yml and not in a Model Schema

record_create (Record)

Creates a record

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

record_delete (Model)

Remove a record

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

record_update (Record)

Updates a record

deprecated - Updates old customizations index, can get very slow for larger
amount of data, we recommend using JSON Documents instead

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

records_create_rc (RecordCreate)

Creates multiple records at once

records_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Remove all records, beware there is no coming back!

Mark this if you really want to remove records across all tables

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously

records_update_all (ObjectCount)

Update all records

deprecated - Updates old customizations index, can get very slow for larger
amount of data, we recommend using JSON Documents instead

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously

session_create_field (HashObject)

Adds a field to session

session_delete_field (HashObject)

Adds a field to session

sms_send (SmsSendPayload)

Sms will be queued to send

Variables that will be accesible in liquid

Template defined in app/smses

transactable_create (Transactable)

transactable_delete (Transactable)

  • form_configuration_name (String)
  • id (ID)

transactable_update (Transactable)

transactables_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Mark this if you really want to remove all transactables

  • transactable_type_name (String)

update_models (UpdateCustomizationsMutationPayload)

update_users (UpdateUsersMutationPayload)

user_create (User)

Creates user

  • form_configuration_name (String)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

user_delete (User)

Deletes a user

  • form_configuration_name (String)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

user_otp_delete_token (UserOtpDeleteTokenInformation)

Deletes a secret OTP token for a user

OTP name, leave blank for default

  • user_id (ID)

user_otp_secret_refresh (UserOtpSecretRefreshInformation)

Refreshes the secret OTP token(s) for a user

OTP name, leave blank for default

  • user_id (ID)

user_profile_delete (Profile)

  • form_configuration_name (String)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

user_profiles_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Remove all user profiles, beware there is no coming back!

Mark this if you really want to remove all user_profiles

  • user_id (Int)

User whose user profiles you want to delete

  • user_profile_type_name (String)

user_session_create (User)

Sign In User

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

user_session_destroy (HashObject)

Sign Out User

  • form_configuration_name (String)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

user_update (User)

Updates current_user

  • form_configuration_name (String)

deprecated, use form_name

name of the form which whitelist attributes which can be saved. All
notifications and callbacks associated with the form will be triggered. if
left blank, all attributes will be allowed

when not provided we try to use current_user

users_delete_all (ObjectCount)

Remove all users, beware there is no coming back!

If filter options are not specified, this must be checked

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously

users_update_all (ObjectCount)

Update all users matching filter conditions; use only for small result set,
for larger amount of results use import feature

If filter options are not specified, this must be checked

Set to true if you want it to run synchronously


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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