

Last edit: May 19, 2024

No description

type PageInputType {
  authorization_policy_ids: [ID]
  content: String
  dynamic_cache_expire: Int
  dynamic_cache_key: String
  dynamic_cache_layout: Boolean
  format: PageFormat
  handler: PageHandler
  layout: String
  layout_name: String
  manually_managed: Boolean
  max_deep_level: Int
  metadata: HashObject
  physical_file_path: String!
  redirect_code: PageRedifectCode
  redirect_to: String
  request_method: PageRequestMethod
  response_headers: HashObject
  searchable: Boolean
  slug: String
  static_cache_expire: Int


authorization_policy_ids (ID)

ids of authorization policies which should be checked

content (String)

dynamic_cache_expire (Int)

dynamic_cache_key (String)

dynamic_cache_layout (Boolean)

format (PageFormat)

handler (PageHandler)

layout (String)

name of the liquid layout to which the content should be injected

layout_name (String)

deprecated, use layout

manually_managed (Boolean)

defines whether this object will be manually managed, meaning it will not be affected via pos-cli deploy / sync

max_deep_level (Int)

max nesting of the url to be resolved by this slug. For example slug "abc"
with max_deep_level 2 will resolve /abc, abc/1, abc/2, but will NOT resolve

metadata (HashObject)

physical_file_path (String)

defines where the file definition will be available after pull; should start
with the module name follow by private/public scope, for example

redirect_code (PageRedifectCode)

redirect_to (String)

request_method (PageRequestMethod)

response_headers (HashObject)

searchable (Boolean)

slug (String)

defines the url at which the page will be available, for example if you want
the page to be available at https://example.com/hello/world set the slug to
hello/world. If blank, slug will be derived from physical_file_path, in this
example set physical_file_path to views/pages/hello/world.html.liquid

static_cache_expire (Int)


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