

Last edit: Oct 26, 2022

Version of object change from the last 7 days.

type Version {
  created_at: JSONDate!
  event: VersionAction!
  id: ID!
  item_id: ID!
  item_type: VersionItemType!
  resource: HashObject
  whodunnit: String


created_at (JSONDate)

timestamp when the event happened

event (VersionAction)

id (ID)

item_id (ID)

id of an object which has been created/updated/deleted

item_type (VersionItemType)

type of an object which has been created/updated/deleted

resource (HashObject)

json representation of a resource prior to the action; null for create action

whodunnit (String)

most of the time ID of a User who performed the event. Can be something else if action was taken by pOS support team


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