
[DEPRECATED] Signing In a User Automatically after Sign-Up

Last edit: Jun 10, 2024


This article series promotes UserProfiles and Forms, which are deprecated. We decided to reduce the learning curve by promoting explicit implementation via Liquid, Pages and GraphQL, instead of built-in features, which add magic into the mix increasing the learning curve and making debugging harder. Please refer to our Get Started to read up-to date articles, including User Authentication

This guide will help you add automatic sign in to a sign-up form so that a new user will be logged in right after account creation.


This tutorial assumes that you already have a working sign up form, where a user can create a new account.


Automatic sign in after sign up is a three-step process:

Step 1: Add callback_actions key to Sign up form

In your sign_up form configuration add callback_actions at the end (order doesn't matter) of the YML definition.


callback_actions: "{% graphql res = 'user_session_create', email: form.email, password: form.password %}"

This code snippet executes the user_session_create query, so you have to create it.

Step 2: Create user_session_create GraphQL mutation

This mutation takes two obligatory arguments: email and password – both strings.

mutation user_session_create($email: String!, $password: String!) {
    form_name: "session_create_form" # must match with `name` of your form
    email: $email
    password: $password
  ) {

This calls the session_create_form with the same arguments you received from the callback_actions.

Step 3: Create session_create_form form

SessionForm is supported by the server, so you don't need to define anything – the server will take care of handling user credentials and authenticating the user.

name: session_create_form
resource: Session

Next steps

Congratulations! You have set up automatic user login after sign up. You can now learn about logging out the user:


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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