

Last edit: Jul 23, 2024

Pages are the most essential components of our platform, that define content displayed at a given path. All pages have to be located in the views/pages directory. Each page is represented by a single file with liquid extension.

Each page is accessible on the URL indicated by its location in the codebase if not otherwise specified in the page configuration slug property. For example, the page app/views/pages/get-started/hello-world.html.liquid deployed to the domain https://example.com will be automatically accessible at https://example.com/get-started/hello-world.


In examples, we often add the slug property to show where the page will be accessible, even if it would not be required because it is the same as the default.

Named parameters

You are able to use named parameters in the slug. For example, a slug projects/:id will resolve URL like https://example.com/projects/1 and you will be able to access the named parameter using context.params. In this example, context.params.id will return 1.

For optional parameters, use (/:optional) syntax. For example, /search(/:country)(/:city) will resolve all three types of URLs: /search (context.params.country and context.params.city will be nulls), /search/Poland (context.params.country will be Poland) and /search/Poland/Warsaw (context.params.country will be Poland and context.params.city will be Warsaw).

You can match any remaining part of the slug with wildcard * - for example, a slug search/*category will resolve all URLs that start with search and the remaining part will be available via context.params.category - for example, for /search/my/nested/category the value of context.params.category will be my/nested/category. It will however not resolve /search without any parameter. To make the category optional in this example, wrap the wildcard in the brackets - search(/*category).

For backwards compatibility, named parameters will be also available at corresponding slug name.

Page configuration

All page configuration is optional, but you can use page configuration to overwrite defaults.

A sample page configuration file:

layout: my_custom_layout
converter: markdown
# Welcome to My Page

A paragraph explaining what I do.


  • layout: my_custom_layout: The page uses the layout views/layouts/my_custom_layout.liquid.
  • converter: markdown: It converts markdown in the body of the page to HTML.

Available properties

Property Description Options Default Required
authorization_policies Array of authorization policies run before rendering the page No
converter markdown No
layout Defines which layout from views/layouts/ you would like to use for pages with html format.

If you don't want to use any layout, set it to an empty string. It will be equivalent to just rendering page content.

Note: Currently, excluding this property altogether will cause the page to use the layout last used for the current page. If no layout has been used, it will use the default application layout.
application No
max_deep_level Defines what is the intended nesting level of the slug. For example, if the slug is test and you set max deep level to 1, then path like /test/something will raise 404. However, if you set it to 2, then it will render the page. This is useful for SEO to avoid duplicated content. positive integer 3 No
metadata Object that you can define and access via context.page.metadata in different places No
method get
get No
redirect_code Status that should be added to http response 301
302 No
redirect_to URL to a page you want to redirect No
response_headers JSON object that you can define to override most of the http headers No
slug Use the slug property to overwrite the default slug. The default slug is automatically created based on the page's location in the codebase. For example, a page app/views/pages/get-started/hello-world.liquid has the default slug get-started/hello-world. No

Everything after the front matter is the body of the page.


The Homepage slug is /, which will work for both https://example.com and https://example.com/. The slug of the file app/views/pages/index.liquid defaults to /. This sample file configures the home page:

<h1>Welcome to my home page</h1>
<p>A paragraph explaining what we do</p>


You can add subdomains in the header of a page like this:

layout_name: 1col
format: html
slug: mypage
layout_name: ''
subdomain: subdomain1
<h1>Page with domain</h1>

The page will match the current request and will be displayed only if the specified subdomain matches the subdomain of the request. You can specify any number of subdomain parts and the system will attempt to match the subdomains of the request from left to right.

This means subdomain: subdomain1.example2.example3 will match a request coming in for the domain subdomain1.example2.example3.site.com. subdomain: site will match a request coming in for the domain site.com.


To define which format the endpoint will be available for, place .<format> before the file extension.

Format name Example filename
html about-us.html.liquid
xml orders.xml.liquid
csv users-report.csv.liquid
json coordinates.json.liquid
rss feed.rss.liquid
css datepicker.css.liquid
js server-constants.js.liquid
txt notes.txt.liquid
ics calendar.ics.liquid

Accessing different formats

You can have multiple pages with the same slug, but with different formats, and access them at the same time.

For example, you can have both html, csv and txt version of a page with Hello world:


Will be accessible under URL: https://example.com/hello

Hello world

Will be accessible under the URL: https://example.com/hello.csv

Hello world

Will be accessible under the URL: https://example.com/hello.txt

Hello world

Note that the html format is implicit, default, you don't need to specify it in the URL or the file name.


To define to which method the endpoint will respond, define method in the Page configuration. One page can respond to exactly one method.

POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE methods and Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks

Cross-Site Request Forgery allows an attacker to trick users into executing an endpoint without them knowing. We prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks by requiring a CSRF Token to be provided for every request to a Page which is not GET. If the token is missing, then context.current_user would appear as null, because the user session will be invalidated. To be able to access context.current_user, you need to provide a valid CSRF Token. For Forms we handle it automatically by adding a hidden parameter with the name authenticity_token. However, if you manually trigger a POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE AJAX request, you need to remember about populating X-CSRF-Token header with value from context.authenticity_token and also specify X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest header. Common practice is to include a meta tag in the layout, for example <meta content="nZEtwoNDgtJktWqS36wjSuqBjt7SyXHV3k5_IcEq55h0OgNGI38tGHE2HX8wIr28Essxbcixz3KssU7RisSykg" name="csrf-token"> and use this value to execute AJAX request.

If you are building a JSON API, for example for a mobile app, you might want to authenticate users using JSON Web Token (JWT).


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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