
User Authentication

Last edit: Jul 30, 2024

User authentication is a fundamental aspect of web development that involves the process of verifying and confirming the identity of users accessing a web application or system. It is a crucial component for securing sensitive information and ensuring that only authorized individuals can perform certain actions or access specific resources.

The primary goal of user authentication is to validate the identity of a user by requiring them to provide credentials, typically a combination of a username and password. In this chapter we will discuss a typical Session-Based Authentication flow, however in platformOS you can also implement Token-Based Authentication, integrate through OAuth etc.


In the previous chapter, before we could store the Item in the database, we had to define the table in app/schema. However when it comes to Users, we already have a built-in table, so there is no need to do it. We will just have to use different mutations - instead of using record_create, we'll use user_create.

Let's start by creating a GraphQL mutation app/graphql/user/create.graphql.

Creating a User using GraphQL


mutation create_user($email: String!, $password: String!) {
    user: {
      email: $email
      password: $password

As you can see, this mutation takes different arguments than record_create. You can refer to GraphQL API reference for user_create

Sign up

The next step would be to create a Page, which will provide user's input to theuser_create GraphQL mutation and execute it.

To do this, create a new page: app/views/pages/user/create.liquid:


method: post

{% liquid
	graphql result = 'user/create', email: context.params.email, password: context.params.password

	if result.user_create.id
        sign_in user_id: result.user_create.id
		redirect_to '/todo'
		echo 'Something went wrong'
		echo result.errors

Similarly to the Saving Data to the Database chapter, we execute the GraphQL mutation with User parameters. Behind the scenes, platformOS will check, if the provided email is unique, and only then create a User in the database. Moreover, platformOS will take care of the security by using bcrypt password-hashing function before saving the user password in the database.


If you want, you can enforce some rules to ensure that passwords chosen by your users meet security guidelines, like for example minimum length, containing at least one digit, special character etc. In practice, we would recommended using platformOS Core Module, as amongs other features, it provides architecture for writing re-usable code via Commands pattern, and it includes common code ready to be used, like validators.

If the email provided by the user will be correct, the GraphQL mutation will return the id and the newly registered User. To offer the User proper UX, we will automatically sign in the user to the system by providing the id as an argument to the platformOS sign_in tag:

sign_in user_id: result.user_create.id


By default, the session will be valid for 1 year. You can control when the session will expire by specifying timeout_in_minutes argument when invoking sign_in tag


Behind the scenes, the sign_in tag will drop the current user session and create a new session to avoid Session Fixation vulnerability. The new sesion id will be stored in _pos_session cookie.

If the email provided by the user will be incorrect, a 500 error will be thrown - platformOS expects that the input validation will be done on Liquid level, and if GraphQL receives invalid input, it will thrown an error, which the developer will be able to see via pos-cli logs or pos-cli gui serve -> http://localhost:3333/logs. The error log should be self descriptive, and will look like this: "Liquid error: [{\"message\":\"GraphQL Error: Email is not a valid email address\",\"locations\":[{\"line\":2,\"column\":3}],\"path\":[\"user_create\"],\"extensions\":{\"messages\":{\"email\":\"is not a valid email address\"},\"codes\":{\"email\":[{\"error\":\"email\"}]}},\"query\":\"create_user\"}]\n url: <your url>/user/create\n page: user/create"

The last thing left to do is to create a Page to render a registration form to the User, allowing them to provide their email and password. Let’s create a file app/views/pages/sign-up.liquid with the following code:


<form action="/user/create" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="{{ context.authenticity_token }}">
  <label>Email: <input type="email" name="email"></label>
  <label>Password: <input type="password" name="password"></label>
  <button type="submit">Sign Up</button>


platformOS automatically takes care of Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks by invalidating sessions upon receiving a POST request without authenticity token. If you experience automatic user log out after making a POST request (including XHR requests!), most likely it means you have forgotten to send context.authenticity_token as a hidden input with authenticity_token name, as in the example above, or in the X-CSRF-Token Header

Testing the flow

To test the whole flow, get to the /sign-up page in your application, provide a valid email and any password, and click the Sign up button.

You will be able to see a new User record using the pos-cli gui serve by going to http://localhost:3333/users.

Accessing Current User

In platformOS the simplest way to access authenticated user's email or id is via context.current_user. Let's say you would like to display current user's email - typical way of doing it is to include it in the layout. For this purpose edit app/views/layouts/application.liquid and add at the beginning of the <body> the following code:


{% if context.current_user %}<div>You are currently log in as {{ context.current_user.email }}</div>{% endif %}

For the more complex use cases, for example accessing user's JWT or OTP for 2FA, you will have to use current_user GraphQL query, however this is outside of the scope of this tutorial. You can find advanced User tutorials in the User section of the Developer Guide

Manual Log Out

Logging User out is equivalent of destroying current session, which can be achieved via GraphQL mutation. Create a file app/views/graphql/session/delete.graphql


mutation {

Now you can create an endpoint, which will invoke this GraphQL. Because logging out is equivalent of destroying the session, we'll create a new Page named app/views/pages/session/delete.liquid

method: delete
{% liquid
  graphql result = 'session/delete'
  redirect_to '/todo'

Typically, the Log Out button is rendered in the Layout. For the purpose of the tutorial, we can add the Log Out button next to the information about the currently logged in User in the application layout:


{% if context.current_user %}
  <div>You are currently log in as {{ context.current_user.email }}
    <form action='/session/delete' method="post">
      <input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="{{ context.authenticity_token }}">
      <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete">
      <button type="submit">Log Out</button>
{% endif %}

Signing in the User

In order to securely sign in the User, we need to verify credentials first. There is a dedicated GraphQL field, which tells us, if provided argument is a valid user's password. To use it, create a new file app/graphql/user/verify_password.graphql


query verify($email: String!, $password: String!){
    filter: { email: { value: $email} }, per_page: 1
        password(password: $password)

We are leveraging GraphQL query users - by specifying filter argument, instead of fetching all users from the database, we will get only those, who meet filtering conditions - in this scenario, we want to get only users with specific email. Because platformOS guarantees that there can be only one user with a given email, we can set per_page argument to 1.


Emails in platformOS are not case sensitive, so for the purpose of the uniquness check, [email protected] and [email protected] are the same.

We will need a POST endpoint, which will upon successful password verification will log User in, which is equivalent of creating a session. Let's create a new Page app/views/pages/session/create.liquid


method: post
{% liquid
  graphql result = 'user/verify_password', email: context.params.email, password: context.params.password
  if result.users.results.first.authenticate.password
    sign_in user_id: result.users.results.first.id
    redirect_to '/todo'
    echo "Incorrect email or password"

The endpoint will forward user's input to the GraphQL mutation. Because users query returns an array, we need to use first property of the array, to get the first element of the array.


Liquid does not throw Null Pointer Exception, so if someone provides the email which does not exist in the database, result.users.first will evaluate to null, which is is falsy, and invoking any property on a null will also return null - so result.users.first.authenticate will be null and result.users.first.authenticate.password will be null as well. In the end, the if condition will evaluate to false, and the user will see "Incorrect email or password" message.

The last step is to render the log in Form. Let's create a new Page app/views/pages/sign-in.liquid


<form action="/session/create" method="post">
  <input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="{{ context.authenticity_token }}">
  <label>Email: <input type="email" name="email"></label>
  <label>Password: <input type="password" name="password"></label>
  <button type="submit">Sign In</button>

Now we should be able to test the authentication flow by signing up at /sign-up page, then log out using the Log Out button rendered in the layout and log in again using /sign-in Page.


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