
Development Workflow

Last edit: May 21, 2024

A development workflow is the process you follow during development to save time and minimize errors. It includes stages like setup (scaffolding), development, testing, integration, optimization, and deployment.


The setup process of developing a site using platformOS includes three main steps:

1. Create a new Instance on the Partner Portal

The Partner Portal is an online interface where you can create, manage, and configure sites built with platformOS, and manage other users of the Partner Portal. The site created on the Partner Portal will be the site you deploy and sync your changes to during development.

  • The sites created are called Instances. Instances have a URL, and they represent different environments, like staging or production.
  • Users of the Partner Portal are called Partners. Partners have the permissions to create, manage, and configure Instances. Partners can also create and manage other Partners.

When you create an Instance, the platformOS engine saves the Instance, which – after authorization – becomes available for you to deploy and sync to.

What you’ll need:

2. Create codebase

In order to correctly communicate with the platformOS engine and API, your codebase should be organized into a specific directory structure. To create your codebase in a local environment follow the steps in the Working with the Code and Files topic.

What you’ll need:

3. Setup pos-cli

The pos-cli is a command line interface that helps you deploy configuration files and assets to your platformOS site. It also allows you to use team collaboration tools like git in your workflow.

You can use the pos-cli to deploy or sync your codebase to the Instance as described in the Working with the Code and Files tutorial.

What you’ll need:

4. Setup IDE - platformos-check

The platformos-check is is a tool that helps you follow platformOS recommendations & best practices by analyzing the Liquid inside your app.

What you’ll need:

  • If you use VSCode - platformOS Liquid Extension
  • If you use Vim, Emacs or anything else
    • manually install Ruby and platformOS Check
    • platformOS check is implemented using Language Server Protocol, follow instructions of how to use LSP servers in your editor. For example, for Vim you can use coc.vim and configure it:
          "languageserver": {
            "platformos-check": {
              "command": "platformos-check-language-server",
              "filetypes": ["liquid", "graphql", "yaml", "yml"],
              "rootPatterns": [".platformos-check.yml", ".pos"],
              "settings": {
                "platformosCheck": {
                  "checkOnSave": true,
                  "checkEnter": true,
                  "onlySingleFileChecks": true,
                  "checkOnChange": true,
                  "checkOnOpen": true

Please note that platformos-check is automatically available as a CLI tool, which is capable to auto-correct some of the offenses, use in CI and configure to meet your needs, including writing your own checks. Learn more about platformOS check Configuration

5. Setup IDE - GraphQL

There are many existing extensions that offer GraphQL autocomplete and other features, for example GraphQL extension for VSCode.

What typically you’ll need:

  • up to date platformOS schema.graphql file placed in your project root.
  • .graphqlrc.yml configuration file, for example
schema: 'schema.graphql'
    cacheSchemaFileForLookup: true
documents: ['**/*.{graphql}']

The above configuration most likely will work, however please check the detailed instructions of the GraphQL extension of your choice to leverage its full potential.


Development Instances

Development Instances are used for developing, updating, and testing a site without risking the integrity of the live site.

You can set up different types of Instances (staging/production) through the Partner Portal.

  • Local codebase: You develop your site (write code) in your codebase in your local environment.
  • Staging Instance: The staging Instance can be used for testing, presenting the changes to the client for approval, QA (Quality Assurance), or UAT (User Acceptance Testing).
  • Production Instance: The production Instance is the live site available to visitors.

Based on the project’s size, scope, or requirements, stages from the above workflow can be removed, or additional stages can be added. For example, a testing site before staging can be added to separate testing from QA and UAT.

Development Workflow

You develop your site (write code) in your codebase in your local environment. By syncing to your developer Instance you check your changes in real time. The pos-cli sync command enables sync mode: it keeps track of changes on your local environment, and sends files that have been changed to the server. It only sends files that have changed after sync was started. It feels like working on localhost. It is recommended to use sync only for staging environments, as pushing changes immediately to production can be dangerous.

Once you have a release candidate, you can deploy it to your staging site. You can use the staging site for testing, review, QA or UAT.

If everything works as expected on staging, you can deploy your changes to your production site, your live site accessible to visitors.


We recommend using a version control system. Internally, we use GitHub to host and collaborate on our git repositories. You can choose other version control systems, or decide to go without any: all that is required is your codebase and an Instance you can sync/deploy to.

It is recommended that all developers have their own development instance, similarly to how they have their local versions. You keep source code in git. Only production ready code goes into the master branch and you deploy the code from master to production.

This is a diagram of our recommended development workflow:

Recommended development workflow diagram

Developer guide icon

Learn more about QA, testing, the DevOps concept, and Continuous Integration and Delivery in our QA Best Practices section.


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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