
Installing the Blog Module

Last edit: Sep 23, 2024


This article promotes the deprecated Blog module, which is not following best practices like Commands and Events, and does not use our core module. There is no up-to-date version of this module; however, the module itself is functional and can be used to provide blog functionality.

This guide will help you install the platformOS Blog Module.

This guide is part of a series that walks you through the process of building a blog on platformOS. You can find previous and next parts of the series in the Requirements and Next steps sections.


So that you can follow the steps in this tutorial, you should have set up a platformOS Instance and your codebase. It helps if you know how to install a module, but we also describe the process specifically for the Blog Module in this tutorial.


Installing the Blog Module is a three-step process:

Step 1: Install Blog Module

Log in to the Partner Portal and go to your Instance detail view.
At the bottom of the page in the Available modules section search for "platformOS Blog" and click Install on the right. You will receive an Email Notification when the installation process is complete.

Step 2: Create an administrator account

To start working on your blog, you should set up an administrator account and delete the default administrator account to secure it:

  1. Go to http://[your-page-url]/sign-up and create a new user. Once done, you are redirected to the /log-in page with the message: "Your account has been successfully created. Please log in."

  2. As your new account does not have access to the Dashboard yet, first log in as the auto-generated administrative account with the email "[email protected]" and password "admin1234". You are now on the Dashboard, where a list of all registered users is displayed.

  3. Click on Edit next to the user you've created, and select the Admin checkbox. Click on the Save button to save your changes.

  4. Log in as the user you created, and remove the default admin user in order to secure your blog.

Step 3: Set up the blog

Follow these steps to set up some basic information for your blog, like its title, layout, and social sharing settings:

  1. Go to the Dashboard, and click on the Blog link in the side navigation. Then click on Blog Settings.

  2. Adjust your blog's default settings. The following configuration options are available:

  • Title: the title of your blog displayed on the top left
  • Subtitle: the subtitle displayed below the title
  • Sidebar enabled: enables right sidebar column with tags and social media integration
  • Grid view enabled: changes the alignment of the post list
  • Tags filter: allows you to set tags that will later be available to add to your posts and used for search on the main page
  • Facebook app id: ID generated by Facebook to connect to Facebook
  • Image: hero image of your blog
  • Social media links: social media links displayed in the sidebar

Next steps

Congratulations! You have installed the Blog Module. Now you can write your first blog post:


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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