
Displaying Data

Last edit: Jul 24, 2024

Filling the form without any render

Now, if you fill in the form and there are no errors in the logs, you can see that nothing is rendered. This is expected as we haven't instructed the system to display anything yet.

In platformOS, you can display data using double curly brackets {{ }} for output, or dedicated tags like {% print %} and {% echo %}.

  • Double Curly Brackets {{ }}: Used for rendering variables directly in your templates.
  • : Outputs content to the template and is often used for debugging. Read our documentation about print.
  • : Similar to print, but with subtle differences in context handling. Read our documentation about echo.

Invoke the Check Command

We have our build command set up, so the next step is to invoke it in the app/lib/commands/contacts/create.liquid file:


{% function object = 'commands/contacts/create/build', object: object %}
{% function object = 'commands/contacts/create/check', object: object %}
{% log contact_after_validation, type: 'result of invoking check' %}

{% return contact %}

Typically, when working with commands, you might overwrite the object. For now, we'll use different variable names to avoid confusion:


{% function contact = 'commands/contacts/create/build', object: object %}
{% function contact_after_validation = 'commands/contacts/create/check', object: contact %}
{% log contact_after_validation, type: 'result of invoking check' %}

{% return contact %}

The Language Server Protocol (LSP) tells you that commands/contacts/create/check is blank, so let’s create the check command as the next step.

Create the Check Command

You can find a pre-written check command in the core module documentation, which saves you from writing it from scratch.

To implement the check command, open app/lib/commands/contacts/create/check.liquid.


You can use LSP and CTRL + click on the paths to easily navigate to or create the file. For example, clicking on commands/contacts/create/check will open or create the check.liquid file, allowing you to navigate there directly.

Demonstrating LSP navigation with CTRL + click

Add the following from the core module documentation:


{% liquid
  assign c = '{ "errors": {}, "valid": true }' | parse_json

  function c = 'modules/core/validations/presence', c: c, object: object, field_name: 'title'
  function c = 'modules/core/validations/presence', c: c, object: object, field_name: 'uuid'
  if object.title
    function c = 'modules/core/validations/presence', c: c, object: object, field_name: 'title'
    function c = 'modules/core/validations/length', c: c, object: object, field_name: 'title', minimum: 3
    function c = 'modules/core/validations/length', c: c, object: object, field_name: 'title', maximum: 130

  function c = 'modules/core/validations/uniqueness', c: c, object: object, field_name: 'uuid'

  assign object = object | hash_merge: c

  return object

To adjust the check command for our Contact Us form, let's simplify it as follows:


{% liquid
  assign c = '{ "errors": {}, "valid": true }' | parse_json

  assign object = object | hash_merge: c

  return object

In app/lib/commands/contacts/create.liquid, we have our contact object, which includes email and body properties. We then pass this object to the check command.

In the check command, we created a new object c, which is short for contact.

  assign c = '{ "errors": {}, "valid": true }' | parse_json

This line initializes c with two properties:

  • "errors": a hash (another object) to store any validation errors.
  • "valid": a boolean set to true, meaning the data is considered valid by default. If no validations are added, the validation will succeed.


The assign tag creates a variable. Read the assign tag documentation for further details.

Next, we merge this c object with our contact object using the hash_merge tag to combine the validation results with the original object:

assign object = object | hash_merge: c


hash_merge takes two objects and merges them together. Read the hash_merge filter documentation for further details.

This step combines the validation results with the original contact object. Now, the contact object includes both its original properties (email and body) and the validation results (errors and valid). This merged object allows us to track which fields failed validation and why in the logs.


Parse_json is a filter which transforms a string into a hash. Read the Parse_json filter documentation for further details.

Filters are invoked via the "|" character. For example, {{ 'hello' | upcase }} invokes the upcase filter with "hello" as an argument. Tags, on the other hand, are invoked using {% %} characters.

Keep in mind that the parse_json filter and tag are equivalent, and it's a matter of preference which one you use. If someone wants to associate the object { "hello": "world" } with the variable "hello_json," they can achieve this with either the filter:

{% assign hello_json = '{ "hello": "world"}' | parse_json %}

or using the tag:

{% parse_json hello_json %}
{ "hello": "world"}
{% endparse_json %}

Conditional logging

With the check command in place, let's add conditional logging to your create.liquid file to help us verify if our validation logic is working correctly. This will log a message indicating whether the data passed validation or not.

Here's the code to add to your app/lib/commands/contacts/create.liquid file:

{% if contact_after_validation.valid %}
   {% log "Valid!" %}
{% else %}
   {% log "Not valid!" %}
{% endif %

This block checks if the valid property in contact_after_validation is true. If it is, it logs "Valid!" to indicate that the data passed validation. If not, it logs "Not valid!" to indicate that the data failed validation.

Your create.liquid file should look like this:


{% function contact = 'commands/contacts/create/build', object: object %}
{% function contact_after_validation = 'commands/contacts/create/check', object: contact %}

{% if contact_after_validation.valid %}
   {% log "Valid!" %}
{% else %}
   {% log "Not valid!" %}
{% endif %}

{% log contact_after_validation, type: 'result of invoking check' %}

{% return contact_after_validation %}

Debugging with logs

The newly added block helps us identify if the data validation is successful by logging the result. If there's an error, such as an unnecessary comma, the logs will indicate the issue.

If you introduce an error (e.g., adding an extra comma to your code), submit the form and go to http://localhost:3333/logs, you will see a Liquid error indicating the issue, similar to this:

[2024-05-29 07:16:29.566Z] - Liquid error: "Liquid error: parse_json filter error: Invalid JSON: expected hash key, not a hash close (after valid) at line 1, column 32 in '{ \"errors\": {}, \"valid\": true, }\nFull Input: '{ \"errors\": {}, \"valid\": true, }'\n url: contactus.staging.oregon.platform-os.com/contacts/create\n page: contacts/create\n partial stack: commands/contacts/create(), commands/contacts/create/check()"

If you fix the trailing comma and resubmit the form, the log should reflect successful validation:

Log showing successful validation after fixing errors

[2024-05-29 07:19:16.459Z] - info: Valid!
path: /contacts/create page: contacts/create partial: commands/contacts/create
[2024-05-29 07:19:16.459Z] - result of invoking check: {"email":"[email protected]","body":"This is a test","errors":{},"valid":true}
path: /contacts/create page: contacts/create partial: commands/contacts/create

Now we have “email” and “body”, and we have those two properties, “errors” and “valid”. Those properties are available in this object, because of the hash_merge tag we provided in the check.liquid file:

  assign object = object | hash_merge: c

The reason why we do it is that we want to know if the validation fails, we need to know which field failed, and for what reason.


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

contact us