
Server-side pos-cli improvements, GraphQL enhancements

March 23, 2020


  • Partner Portal API Instance Copy endpoint with documentation


  • change soft user profiles validation to hard validation for Form

In October we added extra notifications via pos-cli when trying to sync a Form with invalid fields - if it included profiles which did not exist, we were adding a warning message. For consistency and better UX, we are changing it to hard validation now, which means you will not be able to deploy/sync such forms anymore until the issue is fixed.

  • server side handling of invalid file path

When trying to sync a file from a path which does not match anything (for example app/my_form.liquid instead of app/forms/my_form.liquid), a meaningful error message will be shown now, instead of a success message. In such a scenario, the pos-cli deploy command will still succeed, however it will send a warning with a list of all the files which were ignored.

  • Legacy Partner Portal domains will now redirect to https://partners.platformos.com

  • A first User will not be automatically created on the new Instance

  • Allow to filter admin_* GraphQL Queries by physical_file_path


  • update ReCaptcha to fix problems caused by Google API backwards incompatible changes


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