
Performance benchmarking tools

Last edit:

November 15, 2018

In this release we are answering to community requests and introducing two ways to benchmark performance of your code.


time_diff filter

This filter can be used in many different ways, including:

  • calculating how many days from now will an event happen - just pass two dates and unit d for days
  • calculating when you have to leave to arrive at train station - just pass two time objects and unit m for minutes
  • calculating precisely how long something took - for example, code execution, pass two time objects and unit ms for milliseconds (default)

Example - code benchmarking

You can use time_diff anywhere where liquid is allowed, for example: partials, callbacks.

You can also measure how long graphql query is taking by putting it between start/stop variables you are measuring.

To measure speed of code snippet:

{% assign start = "now" | to_time  %}

{% assign letters = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z" | split: "," %}
{% for letter in letters %}
  <li class="letter-{{ forloop.index }}">{{ letter }}</li>
{% endfor %}

{% assign stop = "now" | to_time %}

{% assign durationInMS = start | time_diff: stop  %}
{% assign durationInS = start | time_diff: stop, 's'  %}

{% log durationInMS, type: 'render alphabet in a list in milliseconds' %}
{% log durationInS, type: 'render alphabet in a list in seconds' %}

Using pos-cli logs command observe what has been logged:

[2018-11-15 16:23:33.719Z] - render alphabet in a list in milliseconds: 7.392
[2018-11-15 16:23:33.741Z] - render alphabet in a list in seconds: 0.007

Read more about time_diff filter.

Liquid profiler

You can now profile your application per liquid view (including partials) by setting up a enable_profiler: true flag inside your page.

enable_profiler: true

When the flag is set, whenever you trigger a request to the my-slow-page, two log entries will be added and accessible via the pos-cli logs command.
The first one shows information about the page, the second one about the layout associated with the page.
You can use this information to identify slow code and improve it.


To avoid noise, the log will include only entries which took longer than 10ms

Example log

[2018-11-15 17:39:48.733Z] - debug: PROFILING:
 [0.015517108] TOTAL (lvl: 0)
    [0.013081715] if url_params  (lvl: 1)
      [0.013057744] include 'designers/all_designers'  (lvl: 2)
[2018-11-15 17:39:48.816Z] - debug: PROFILING:
 [0.067086901] TOTAL (lvl: 0)
    [0.056122558] include 'layouts/header'  (lvl: 1)
      [0.055988452] include 'layouts/theme_header'  (lvl: 2)
        [0.055747433] if current_user == blank  (lvl: 3)
          [0.055718548] include 'layouts/theme_header/signed-in-nav'  (lvl: 4)
            [0.050209644] query_graph 'get_unconfirmed_orders_count', result_name: 'g__unconfirmed', receiver_id: context.current_user.id  (lvl: 5)


Try to not profile a page on production, as it can result in performance hit. If you absolutely have to, make sure to disable it right after you trigger the request to the page, to minimize the risk of leaving profiling enabled for a long period of time.


We are always happy to help with any questions you may have.

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